Health and Safety
Providing industry-leading safety
solutions for UK rail operations.
SSoWPS is a Work planning and Risk assessment application used by rail infrastructure organisations when planning work activities to be carried out on the operational railway.
SSoWPS guides users through the safe work planning process via simple possession and protection arrangement workflows, that automatically populates forms, to create a fully customisable safe work pack.
Key features
Safe Work Pack (SWP) planner module to enable the development of relevant and detailed
work plan content, including:


Compliance Management
Integrated 019 standard compliance management module enabling SWP collaboration and authorisation between the Responsible Manager, Planner, the Person in Charge and persons with any necessary technical expertise and familiarity with the tasks and risks involved.
This includes:
- Person in Charge “suitable for the site conditions” verification.
- Responsible Manager “protection and warning arrangements SWP repeat usage” authorisation.
- System Auditing and Monitoring in accordance with industry requirements for SWP reviewing, updating, storing and quality of effectiveness assessment.
Additional documentation
Additional documentation retention module providing SWP and supporting information that enables the business to undertake its compliance and assurance activities including:
- SWP validation forms.
- Site risk information and controls required – Working on or near the line, underfoot conditions
- Task risk information and controls required – task risks control sheet, work package plans or task briefing sheets (regarding the tools / plant / equipment required for the job on that site)
- Permits to work – such as lifting plans, electrical, isolation, hot works, confined spaces.
- Welfare & Emergency arrangements – Location, Access and Type.

Administrative Control
Administrative Control module providing authorised users the ability to:
- Communicate important and relevant information to SSoWPS users.
- Manage the protection and warning arrangements hierarchy.
- Control issuing, storing and retrieval of electronic risks control sheet, task briefing sheets and permits to work documents produced by technical teams, projects or departments.
- Process Industry standard Operational diagrams and known hazard data updates
Safe Work Pack Tablet and mobile compatibility
SSoWPS design provides remote workers the option of accessing their SWP via PDF formatted documents or the option to be distributed electronically to all rail network staff across desktop, smartphones and tablet devices.
This enables a remote user to collaborate throughout the SWP planning and sign-off process or allows the team to view, edit, manage and digitally sign SWPs.

Find out more about our SSoWPS solution today
To discover more about our SSWoPS solution, get
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