Who are RTS Solutions?
RTS Solutions is a leading industry specific software developer, providing innovative technology to improve the operational performance of the railway.
We work collaboratively with UK rail companies to design and deliver tailored digital solutions which adapt to the diverse range of needs experienced by the sector.
What Does RTS Solutions Do?
RTS Solutions provides the UK rail industry with tailored software solutions, to reduce costs, standardise procedures and ensure the network runs safely and efficiently.
Our products include

Why Are You Considered Specialists?
Aiming to add value to the rail industry as a whole, RTS Solutions understands procedures and compliance. Working closely with customers to create solutions that resolve key challenges experienced across the sector.
Our team has knowledge and experience in abundance and through this, understand the intricacies of the rail network and how it works operationally.
Which Parts Of The Rail Industry Is The Software Designed For?
With a focus on design and end user-experience, we successfully deliver bespoke data-driven systems that solve various challenges faced by the rail industry.
The software has been developed to support business workflows and optimise resources creating safer and more efficient operations.
The applications have been designed with the user in mind and user-experience is a key element.
How Do RTS Work With New Clients?
With a focus on design and end user-experience, we successfully deliver bespoke data-driven systems that solve various challenges faced by the rail industry.
The software has been developed to support business workflows and optimise resources creating safer and more efficient operations.
The applications have been designed with the user in mind and user-experience is a key element.
What Challenges Are RTS Trying To Solve?
Helping business to move away from old ways of working by giving them options to make processes cheaper, easier, quicker and more efficient.
Expensive methods of working that see high costs not just in monetary terms but also time and effort.
Accessibility of information with regards to ease and speed, as well as availability and accuracy.
Keeping records on paper resulted in large amounts of scanning and storage. Gaining access to information easily and quickly was always a challenge.
Data now needs to be transferrable and instantly available at the finger-tips of the users.
Managing and keeping up to date with change is a challenge dealt with by the automated processes built into our apps.
Integrating old and new can put businesses off embracing change – RTS can help with this integration.
Not all team members will be comfortable using digital applications – RTS solve this with intuitive solutions that are as simple as possible.
What Solutions Does RTS Offer?
- RTS can assist with the integration of legacy systems and applications into newer applications
- We have ‘built in’ automated processes in our apps to allow them to adapt to change requests when they happen
- We drive change by moving away from older/ analogue ways of working and into the digital era of the new railway
- With our knowledge, expertise and experience we can help to ensure our customer business are compliant with required regulations
- We can help our customers adapt to change by tailoring our applications to meet their needs, and the needs of the infrastructure owners and regulation boards etc.
- We ensure that data is available instantly and can be accessed and used by everyone
We Don’t Know What We Need Or What The Solution Is… Where Do We Start?
Often our clients have a business problem which has varying degrees of impact on their efficiencies and productivity.
The RTS approach ensures that we accompany our clients on the journey by exploring legacy systems, looking at the opportunities and options that the software can deliver and presenting the most appropriate options.
What Are The Key Benefits For The End User?
- Support business workflows
and optimise resources - Cost-effective software which will help make jobs easier
- Accessible information
- Users can be secure in the knowledge that their data is protected
- Users can track and manage their data
- A holistic view for all users
- The software supports safety and compliance standards
- Access to informative, relevant, detailed knowledge and expertise
- Work with a flexible partner who is agile and aware of their complex needs and demands
- Trust that the job will be delivered excellently
- Save time and money through a more efficient and effective system
How Does RTS Software Differ From What We Have Now?
RTS Solutions are totally tailored to a clients needs.
We don’t do ‘off the shelf’ – our solutions have been built to meet a client’s specific needs and challenges.
We can create you a solution from scratch or configure our existing products to meet your specific requirements. Let us know what problems you are trying to solve and RTS can supply you with a product that will improve your day to day working practices
We Have A Broad Range Of End Users. How Do We Introduce And Train People To Use The New Solution?
Training for a new business is supplied by RTS as part of the on boarding process.
Some of the main users would also be taken through the application training with an expectation that they would train new users as required.
Generally, super users within an organisation will have been involved in the development process so will have knowledge of the product before final integration, but this is not always the case.
How Often Do We Need To Change Or Upgrade Our Software Applications And Systems?
This depends on enhancements or support deployments.
Software updates are planned around our clients needs and working hours . The technology used by RTS means you will see minimal impact to your users and updates can take just a matter of minutes to complete.
If Software Updates Are Required, How Do We Minimise Disruption And Protect Accuracy?
RTS Solutions will plan updates and software deployments with you and around your team. Should this mean an upgrade is done out of hours then the RTS team will carry this out. We work with you to ensure minimal impact.
Contact Us
Paul Geary: Business Development Manager | RTS Solutions
Mobile: 07858 678175
Email: Paul@RTS-Solutions.net